bloom, along with her friends ( who are the most powerful fairies called the winx club) had just defeated tritanis and polita. everyone at alfa and of course her friends were happy as can be. but except bloom. recently after defeating tritanis, bloom lost her boyfriend sky's life. this hurt to the core. she felt sad, depressed, and jealous. but not far from a nother dimension, a curtain blue bandana waring mutant turtle was lonely as well. This takes place after winx club: secret of the abyss This also takes place in a alternate universe ware sky dies at the end of the film and bloom latter falls in love with leonardo and two he will end up in her world btw WINX CLUB BELONGS TO INGINO STERFI AND RAINBOW S.P.A ALL RIGHT RESERVED. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (2012) BELONGS TO NICKELODEON AND VIACOM NATIONAL INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS A FAN MADE STORY SO PLEASE NO COPYRIGHT STRIKE, I HAVE WORKED REAL HARD ON THIS STORY SO PLEASE NO COPYRIGHT STRIKE. IS EVERYTHING GOOD. OKAY NOW WE GOT THAT OUT OF THE WAY LETS GO AND ENJOY THE STORYAll Rights Reserved