After the events in the Jeju island raid, an S Class gate opened in Guam and multiple S class Hunters were called in as they were sent there to deal with the gate, before Jinwoo enters the gate, he feels that something doesn't seem right so he eagerly enters the gate so he can help his fellow hunters, after defeating (not killing) the "boss", they soon heard a boy shout. "Bahamut no!" This boy introduces himself as the dungeon boss which made the hunters take a protective stance before questioning his existence in the dungeon because he does look like a high schooler, he was about to answer but was cut off he suddenly got a headache which he stops by headbutting the wall, after getting rid of the headache he answers them. "I don't know actually, all I remember is waking up in this dungeon and was titled the boss! This is my home I guess." Disclaimer: I don't own anything, everything I use here is owned by their respective owners.