Recap At endercon Jesse and friends created an Enderman and won the contest. However in the middle of those two events, Jesse lost his pig named Reuben. He then got involved in a scam and had to find the perpetrator. While tracking the perpetrator, he found Reuben and has to give away his sword to get him back. Then the perpetrator (Ivor) ended up carrying out a plan. His plan backfired as Axel stole a key part of it. After saving the mighty Gabriel, Jesse set out with his friend Olivia to find Ellegaard. Jesse then brought Ellegaard back and The Order was reunited excluding Ivor and Soren. They then set off to find Soren only to bump into Ivor leading to Jesse and Gabriel against Ivor, Jesse and Ivor then lose as his friends return and Ivor escapes trapping them in. They then find Soren and grab a weapon to defeat the Wither Storm only to worsen the situation and Magnus dying. They then join with Ivor to collect his failsafe and defeat the Wither Storm once and for all. About a year later, Jesse has to face a new foe the admin. They defeat him by gathering accomplices and seeking help from one of Romeo (The Admin)'s old friends. In the end Xara seemingly dies and Romeo is left to seemingly die in the primary terminal.All Rights Reserved