This is the second installment of my random, immature take on Vocaloid and MLP. Of course, there's more cussing, randomness, and more Vocaloids getting summoned to Equestria.
Well, a few, not much, but you get my point.
Anyway, will the Mane 6 get overwhelmed by the amount of crazy singing Vocaloids? Will their creative funny joke be replaced with jabs at terrible humor stuff? Will they get overtaken and this will turn into Fluffy Vocaloid Randomness?!
Probably not, cause Twi is my fave pony.
Either way, second book is here, so it will mostly be filled with my obsession of the Kagamines and Twilight trying to clean up their mess.
I really need to be more diverse with Vocaloid and MLP...
(Btw I won't be taking any suggestions or any requests anymore, so please don't try to ask me to do a chapter on something)
Toisella menee päin helvettiä, ei saa hyväksyntää ja sortuu tyhmiin valintoihin. Toinen unelmoi päivät pitkät, eikä näe pahaa kenessäkään. Mitä heistä voi tulla? Tuleeko heistä mitään? Lähentääkö elämä heitä vai repii irti väkivaltaisesti?