Some legends say that werewolves are men that turn into beautiful wolves, bigger than horses. Some say werewolves are men possessed by the devil to do horrendous acts. And other, more accurate, legends say that werewolves are part man, part beast, bound to the full moon by a bite.
I have to say, the 'bite' part is quite deceiving. More like, 'bound to the moon by a painful, near-death mauling.' But whatever, I'm sure Priest Van Helsing knows what he's talking about.
Teressa "Reese" Callahan turned eighteen right in the middle of hurricane season down in the Keys. In the midst of the storm seems like the perfect chance to get away from drunk, somewhat fatherly, foster-dad, Joe, or 'drunk-off-his-ass Joey'.
Everything was going as planned until Reese's car flips after hitting a ditch on the muddy road while her windshield was being pelted by rain. After that, its kind of a blur. Crawling out of the car, a growling in the bushes, being dragged off and nearly getting torn to shreds. Then waking up by her car with only a scar of a bite mark on her leg.
Back on the road to New York City, a change starts in her and a stalker watches in the distance while a murderer slaughters people in the shadows of night.
With help of unlikely friends, possible romances, and a scruffy dog that just won't leave Reese alone, will she survive until the next full moon?
Before school even begins, 17-year-old Jake Kent is attacked by an enormous gray wolf. He's saved by a mysterious blonde, but things get even more unbelievable when he watches the wolf transform into a human. When he sees this woman is a teacher at his new school, you'd think Jake would file for a transfer, but he doesn't. Jake Kent isn't the damsel in distress that so many would expect; he wont run from the mystery. He hasn't told anyone about the attack, but he hasn't forgotten it. When Hunter Sin enters his life, predictability goes out of the window, and an epic story truly begins.
Excerpt from Chapter 20 :
"The story goes: There once was a priest who protected his village during the night. He said prayers to the gods in order to keep his family and friends safe from the dangerous animals around them. For years, the prayers were enough to drive the wild animals away. Yet on one night where the land was illuminated by the full moon, the beasts began to rise on two legs. The large cats and mongrels that typically fought against each other, banded together under one beast. It was a monstrous wolf the size of a lion with fur as white as the moon itself.
"One by one, the beasts neared the town as they followed from behind the white wolf. As the villagers fled into their homes, the priest and his daughters gathered the day-hunters to his side. They watched as the approaching monsters stood and stalked the village fence. The wolf was strong and smarter than the rest. Even in its guttural snarling voice, it managed to speak to the priest. 'You've trespassed too long. Abandon your homes or forsake your lives.' The priest refused without hesitation and stared the ten-foot wolf down." Jake listened to the story with baited breath as he could see where the tale would go next.