The sea is a beautiful thing. Sand is also beautiful, when it shines like gold in the sun and reflects the pearlescence of the moonlight. They go together so well even though they are so very different. The sea will blanket as much sand as it can, i see this as a protective act. But sometimes, just sometimes - the sea will get angry and will create huge waves, these waves crash down onto the sand at such a ferocious weight. The sea doesn't mean to. Evidentially it doesn't want to do that but it just happens. The sea always soothes over the sand afterwards and tries to make up for its acts. No matter how strong the waves are and how hard the sea pushes, the beach is always covered by the sand. The sand never leaves. The sand will always stay by the sea. That's how their relationship went, if there was one at all. He was the sea. She was the sand. The sea and the sand.All Rights Reserved