Cursing Last Names
  • مقروء 180
  • صوت 23
  • أجزاء 9
  • الوقت 2h 16m
  • مقروء 180
  • صوت 23
  • أجزاء 9
  • الوقت 2h 16m
مستمرة، تم نشرها في أغسـ ١٧, ٢٠٢١
Harry Potter is dead. The Ministry as was known has fallen. The last of the Order can barely scrape together the few resources they have after losing their Golden Trio to The Dark Lords hands- well losing the "important two". Hermione would never know a days peace for the remainder of her days. Days spent searching for answers from silver eyes that had once held so much love behind them.
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