6 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال للبالغينVoldemort is dead.
Lucius Malfoy is Minister of Magic after assisting Harry Potter in killing him. Has the war made his motives more altruistic? (nope)
As a parting gift, the Dark Lord opened a portal to the Plane of Monsters using a tampered with time-turner/portkey. by himself, of course, because why else would life throw us a bone here?
Draco Malfoy is one of many infected by a mutant strain of Vampirism. Unlike most of those inflicted, he somehow keeps his humanity. He's now the leader of Lucius most fear squadron of Aurors, or rather Slayer.
Hermione Granger is a healer, on the hunt for a cure to the Vampire mutation or at the least an alternative treatment
She's definitely forgotten all about her 2 years of her secret relationship with Draco Malfoy. Or at least she tries to. It surely isn't what fuels her passion for finding a cure. But when she has a break through with an ingredient only ever found on Hy-Brasil, the minister makes her life very difficult to say the least.