[HIATUS/ON HOLD] [UNDER EDITING] 1. MOST PICTURES ARE MADE WITH PICREW!! I WILL SAY IF THEY WERE MADE BY ME!! 2. The cover is so bad! 3. Any title suggestions??😢 4. Slow updates!! 5. MOST IMPORTANTLY HXH WAS MADE BY YOSHIHIRO TOGASHI!! Y/n was a normal girl,when one day she asked her mama if she could participate in the hunter exam they were worried for their daughter for certain reasons but figured something out! Read the(cringe)story to find out more Please know that in this story the reader is EXTREMELY innocent. She rarely goes outside due to her being a NeKo. She doesn't even know what P3d0s are. You may not like what I put in one chapter...and tbh...I don't like it either. I don't even know why I put it. This book will include things like: blood/gore p3d0ph1les cringe possibly drawing or "art" made by me😥 picrew's oc's Y/n may be what people call a "trap" (a person who acts/makes themselves look like the opposite gender to trick people and make the think they are not they're gender. And the person is not transgender) And uuhh more...you'll find out while reading Start date [may 22, 2022] End date [Ongoing]All Rights Reserved