you must have definitely read stories about a girl and a guy who somehow fall in love with each other and live rest of their life together and so on and lets say however practical a person is somewhere inside everyone wants their love story. so why am I bugging you up with this? simple I want my love story to which is so damn impossible because one moment I want it other moment I dont . lets not make it so confusing . hi everyone my name is Amanda I am in college, 20 years old . above average looking but suck at being confident. the attitude is mostly positive towards others and negative towards myself. I am my own best friend, my own counseller . the things which really bother me, well I hide it from rest of the world and talk to myself when I am too full of it . I hate being neglected like everyone else but like everybody else once I am neglected by someone I neglect that someone for rest of his life. I am a really really tough girl and Beleive me when I say this.
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