An Alternate Universe of Arknights, made by Yuri Petrov (JP: Yuri Yoshiou) and DragonFang. [In the early days of this story, the story writing is a bit... Bad. It's not like a novel, but it's a dialogue at first. But with the other writer's help, it's now a mix between dialogues and novel style actions, we will keep improving the characters and their upgrades and progressions] Guaranteed in Future Episodes: - New Type of Arts, such as Arc Technique Arts and Artificial Arts - New Originium Monsters, even more slugs spiders and sea terrors, also featuring dragons! - Does not feature R6 operators even though they are now inside of the game. - The New Faction, Steel Talons are a technological faction, whose goal is to create a better future for humanity by eradicating terrorist forces and other insurgents. - Culturally Accurate Locations, such as Kazimierz representing Egypt because of it's environments and buildings and Ursus representing Russia due to its language being Russian. Ursus - Russia/Soviet Union Lungmen - China Laterano - France Kazimierz - Egypt (As because of the character's names) These countries are the ones mentioned, and this is an AU. The reality is in the creator's mind.
9 parts