This story plot goes to the original canon, thus, with some of my little addings.
A very beautiful yellow haired male, with orange fadded locks, has many kinds of insecuritys, yet, he hides them from everyone, including this loved ones. His intention is to break the kind of "spell" that most people get these days. He trys to break the "spell" of, 'Love'?, no, that can't be right, Zenitsu Agatsuma is just an random demon slayer. Besides, Tanjiro kamado already has, someone to look after. The yellow haired male, is in fact happy, to see his close friends, Tanjiro, and kanao, happily living their lives, united as a couple, but one thing zenitsu Agatsuma doesn't figure, is that the dark, red, haired male, with dangling earrings has forced himself to love Kanao in order to ignore his love instincts for a specific.. -someone-..