Itwas December 9th, 1999 I was taking a long walk to the cemetery tosee my one and only true love. It’s been a year since she has passed. Till thisday I can still hear her angel like voice telling me that it was her time. Whenshe first told me that I really didn’t understand but then when I finallyunderstood she was gone. While I was lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice that Iwas at the gates. when I finally approached Anna’s grave my heart startedracing and before I knew it I was crying. I dropped to my knees and put elevenroses with one fake one. But when I looked at my roses it reminded me of thetime I told her that one day I would do that for her, and say these exact words“I will love you, till the last onedies.’’ which would be never because the twelfth rose was fake and till thisday I still love her with all my heart. As I snapped out of my thoughts Ilooked at the dead shriveled up rose’s right next to mine. There was a blackbook behind the roses. I pushed the roses to the sideAll Rights Reserved