(This is after season three ·spoilers·)
If you never watched Wolfblood before, now is your chance.
After being separated for months, Maddy and Rhydian are reunited. It's after graduation, and they are now 19. They want to continue there lives as humans, so the buy a small shop in a Canadian town. Selling Rhydian's art to make ends meat, they still have to deal with the full moon, and there budding relationship. With suspicious neighbor's, and there there new business problems arise. When a big break comes alone for Rhydain, they are forced to come back to the Moores
He called, letting out a howl. Waiting patiently, looking around the white blanket of snow. A smile creeps upon his, as a small wolf trots over. Shifting, Rhydian runs to Maddy over joyed.
(Warning: not edited this is for fun and my first fanfic)