This story is about karna finding out being the eldest Kunti son and elder brother of pandavas, earlier during Mahabharata,and trying to mend the relationship between pandavas and Kauravas ,but he is not going to do this alone.....someone is going to help him...who is she , and how is she going to help him?
There is also a twist that this person is from kalyug ,how does she end up in Dwapar Yug , why and what is her relationship with karna?.... let's find out.
I am writing this story only for fun and only the story belongs to me. it is quite a different story ,read and find out, it is a fanfiction and I have changed some facts from the original story only for the sake of this storyline , I don't mean any disrespect to any religion or person ...and I apologise in advance if, I hurt anyone's feeling....only constructive criticism is appreciated.thank you
Samay Yatri: A Tale of 3-time Travellers,
Is the story of Three Sisters who are living peaceful and successful life in Kaliyuga but one day they are transported into the political mess that was the Mahabharata period.
Now they have to suddenly adjust to the new lifestyle of The dwapar yuga,
How will three girls who have lived all their life in Kaliyuga accommodate themselves in the dwapar Yuga? Especially when they become the princesses of one of the most important Kingdoms of the time 'the Vijayanagar Empire.' And what will happen when they get involved with a few certain princes who gets them entangled Into The kuru mess?
What happens when they discover that the eldest is a goddess?
Will the relationship between the three survive?
Now what will the three Kalyug girls do to survive in this political situation?
What happens when they fall in love?
What is their journey?
To find out please tune into the story
I own the three main characters and the storyline but the original Mahabharat belongs to Vedvyas