No one could breathe, was it the dense and Smokey air, or the intensity of the moment. As the warriors of the world waited for their mechanical opposition no one could speak nor could they move. They all knew that people would die, but more than ever They were scared. They knew if they lost here civilians would die,cities would crumble at least, at most humans go extinct. This was the fight for ultimate survival.
2 hours passed before the silence broke one soldier managed to say "did the forfeit? Did we win?" Immediately after the soldier said the ice breaking words, a odd looking hand grenade rolled down a sand dune and exploded breaking records for the biggest handheld explosion. Out of the dust came a singular robot, fine crafted red and white armored humanoid armed with a auto rifle, and a curved knife longer than a mans leg. Soldiers were shocked at the explosion but seeing the single robot dropped their guard a little,They began to open fire.
The amount of soldiers were in the thousands yet a single robot showed up, opening fire was the worst idea, it entered an aggressive state and began to weave around perfectly dodging bullets as if they were paintballs, it shot with one arm and cut with another, occasionally dropping a grenade or two trimming numbers exponentially 8 soldiers decided to collectively pin it down the robot hit two soldiers before it got pinned down by the rest. The soldiers began cutting at the robot it spoke in Morse code and began beeping it exploded shortly after.
As soon as it did people began celebrating "it's finally over" "WE DID IT!" "... hey where's the army" this silenced the whole of the troops.
With silence came another sound, MARCHING, getting louder and louder, something was coming,and fast. As the dust settled an array of red lights become visible about 100 perfectly constructed red and white soldiers.
People dropped to their knees as they were being shot down, it was over and they knew it.