AZALEA- Her name was enough to bring shivers and trembles down to even the leaders of the ruthless mafias.
She was left at an orphanage when she was a mere toddler.
And was later sold by the orphanage to an assassin institution, where she was rigorously trained and transformed into a ruthless machine incapable of feeling any emotion other than rage and hunger for kill.
She became a killer who kills without an ounce of remorse or fear of repercussions. She's known as Sinister, and an evil bitch.
Nobody has seen her face, except the ones who are now dead, but her name is well-known and feared.
Finally having built a billion dollar empire for herself, in the legal and illegal world, just at the age of 24, she received a call from the station notifying her of her now deceased parents along with her orphaned five siblings, all minors and in need of a new guardian.
Even though she had no intention to do anything with them other than letting them rot in the orphanage like she had, fate managed to bring them all together under one roof.
Now her siblings had to learn to live with a cold, closed off and distant older sister, who hated them since the day they met each other.
And she herself had to learn and adjust to finally living with the people she might someday call a family.
And, while she's juggling between dealing with her troubling emotions and learning to embrace new sibling relationships, she's also caught the attention of a devilishly attractive Italian man who is dead determined on having Azalea for himself.
The trouble throughout her journey is that she doesn't understand social cues, specially relating to emotions and feelings.
Welcome to the roller coaster journey of Azalea and her new found family.
‼️⚠️TW- Mature content 18+, violence, abuse, torture, murders, etc‼️