11 parts Ongoing In the aftermath of their wild adventures, the Pogues-John B, Sarah Cameron, JJ, Kiara, Pope, and Cleo-find themselves navigating new challenges in their quest for peace and treasure. Set against the backdrop of the Outer Banks, Season 4 introduces a heartwarming and tender storyline with Madison Routledge-Cameron, John B and Sarah's one-year-old daughter.
Madi is a unique and special child, often nonverbal and displaying behaviors associated with autism. She avoids eye contact, stims, and finds comfort in her plushies. When overwhelmed, she bites her arm or covers her ears, seeking solace in her own world. Her speech is baby-like, and she often sucks her thumb or pacifier, finding comfort in being held or carried by her protective father, John B.
As Sarah navigates motherhood, she discovers the depth of her strength and resilience. The Pogues, including Pope, JJ, Kiara, and Cleo (Pope's girlfriend), rally around the young family, forming an unbreakable bond. Together, they face new adventures and threats, all while ensuring Madi feels loved and protected.
"Tide of Tenderness" explores themes of family, acceptance, and the enduring power of love, capturing the spirit of OBX with a fresh and heartfelt twist.