You have burst into my life going from a small storm to a hurricane.
So sudden, blowing my doors open showing me new chances.
I can't tell you what it is. It throws me around like a great wind from your words.
The wind throws me into excitement and the eye of the storm leaves me in wonderful serenity.
The smile, the eyes, the voice, the being that which is you has captivated me.
Winds and storm and thunder and lightning... they are my doubts.
The rain, the clouds, when you look my way I feel sunlight breathing into me and I feel safe.
So the perilous life of chasing the storm presents itself.
I could stay in the security of the dark shelter alone safeguarding my heart.
But, then I could chase the storm instead.
I could take a risk upon my sanity to not tame the storm, but to let the storm tame me.
So would you chase the storm and take the risk? Or let it fade away?