This is the old book, it is being completely revised, but it will stay up for like memories and shit- -BH/Vixen A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow soul, not as lost however, barely pushing through in their unordinary life. They connect after a particularly nasty night that left the lost soul all alone for the nth time in their existence. Story being reworked [Be patient ^^' -Black Heart] [School takes up most of my time, this might take a while. -un7h0uGh7] Editing/Fixing credit from chapters 1-3: un7h0uGh7#5849 on Discord [Best I could do -Black Heart] [Appreciated -un7h0uGh7] Editing/Fixing credit from chapter 4 on: ✨Le Fandoms connoisseur✨#4407 on discord [Thaaanks :'D -Clay]All Rights Reserved