This is my new update version of our series.. we were a complicated family after all Let's introduce them! Lexie (me): was or is grace's sister, niece of icy, child of mug and josh, granddaughter of amber..forgot the rest. Was non-binary, questioning gender and is pansexual..pronouns: they/ she. Addicted to Netflix also believes in shiny rocks. Future dream: to become an actress or solicitor. Mug: was or is father of grace and Lexie, somehow related to icy, mother in law = amber. Gay, Demi boy..dunno the rest if there is. Pronouns: he/it. Addicted to being a microwave. Future dream: to live in piece without josh. Josh: was or is father of grace and Lexie, brother of icy, son of amber, husband or partner of mug. Is bisexual. Pronouns: he/him?..addicted to anime. Future dream: voice actress..(also is a stinky American) Icy: was or is uncle of grace and Lexie, brother of josh, son of amber, somehow related to mug. Is straight I believe. Pronouns: he/him?..addicted to arsenal. Future dream: to become the boss baby cause he has baby voice. Amber: was or is grandma of grace and Lexie, mother of icy and josh, somehow related to mug. Is straight. Pronouns: she/her. Addicted?..future dream: to become the best sassy grandma in the whole world? Grace: was or is sibling of Lexie, dunno what to icy but icy is uncle, is child of mug and josh. Is agender, asexual. Pronouns: them/it/it's. Addicted: "to man slaughtering josh." Future dream: to become an arsonist. Glitch: friends with all of the family. Is transgender, very gay, aromatic, aceflux. Pronouns: he/it?..addicted to non creased trans flags. Future dream?All Rights Reserved
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