River James was dying. He knew that deep in his heart. The delusion he had given himself to make him the best of the best was decaying in his body. It was destroying him from the inside out, and there was only one way to stop it: take the elixir, a safeguard for his final invention, that his father had created before he was killed. He was the luckiest guy in the world because he was the only one who had access to the elixir, to life itself, while the others he infected were destined to crumble away like snow.
The thing was, River didn't want to take the elixir. Not yet at least. He wanted to grow weaker and weaker and understand what it feels like to slowly die away, to return to the dust he once was. He wanted to understand what his parents went through when they were killed. Did he want to die, though? He wasn't exactly sure just yet. He didn't have a home to go back to, nor did he have anyone to find. Yet he did not want to let go that easily. Right?
Torn between two worlds, River couldn't figure out what he wanted most. His darkest desires were coming to the forefront of his mind, allowing death to swallow him up once and for all. However, he had this burning wish to survive this like he had survived everything else that had happened to him up to that point in his life. Would he be able to choose before it was too late? Or was he going to make the wrong decision and risk losing everything?