Making peace with your friends, relatives, workmates, yourself doesn't come easy and it's not too hard. You need the right state of understanding different situations, the right emotions, the right actions and procedures to deal with relationships. Different people have different ways of thinking, reacting and acting, so you need to be the right person with the right discipline, right thinking and always retry whatever you fail at when socializing with people to perfect your skills. I still practice my friendship skills and fail and try a different approach and try again. Besides making friendships, knowing how to handle your self emotionally, psychologically, physically is very vital to keeping you consistent in creating and keeping good relationships. Remember that making good relationships with your family and friends is good but not compulsory to have a good foundation at handling your relationships with the world at large. If you have read this book to the very end, I would love to thank you and appreciate you for your time and d love. You will surely get better and keep getting better because the tools provided to you work immediately and some take practice. It is important to keep doing what is right after giving up or even when you are tired of practicing. You are and will always be my friend. Thankyou😂💖