DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MY STORY. The Author's name is Gallantmon the Hazard. This is the ultimate anime crossover. This isn't just Naruto and Sailor Moon. Ninja Gaiden also plays a role in this story. This is a two part story. First part is 11 chapters long. The sequel to this will be about 40 chapters which will feature characters from Digimon, Yugioh, and Sword Art Online. Yes really. While it may seem very random the crossover blends very well and there are nonstop surprises. This story is pretty much the ultimate ambitious crossover even better than Avengers Endgame. During the battle with Kaguya, Naruto gets transported to planet Earth by a cominbation of space-time techinques and he meets up with the Sailor Scouts in which he learns that there may be no way home! However, he teams up with the Sailor Scouts to find a way, but Kaguya, holding a history with the Silver Millennium, namely Queen Serenity, finds Naruto and seeks to destroy both Naruto and our Moon Princess! Can Naruto and the Sailor Scouts defeat Kaguya and save two worlds?!Public Domain