CHANGING DIRECTION [Camren Original] g!p
Části: 10 Dokončeno Lauren Jauregui, 17yrs of age, is a loving elder sister to her younger sister named Tammy, she look after her, after their parents died along with their older brother Christopher due to car accident that caused by a young drunken sports car driver, she become responsible to her younger sister that ages 15 at the time when their parents and older brother died leaving them a huge sum of money and a 5 acres of land in New Jersey. And on the following year her younger sister died that cause her devastation, depression, madness and everything that makes her life change course. She found out in the diary that Tammy left, a man named Shawn Mendes got her pregnant because of rape and assault and the medical prove that it's true and the unborn baby was examined, getting the unborn baby boy's DNA and it match with Shawn. Her haunt of Shawn Mendes begins after knowing that he's not in New Jersey anymore and been searching because of the other cases that Mendes is involved.