CPD for Engineers Australia is primarily a record or documentation of the professional experience such as knowledge, surveys, skills, etc. gained by the Engineer in the appropriate field of Engineering. It is the report which consist of development to portray that you are up-to-date in your engineering field. CPD Writing help you to reflect, review and document your learning and experience of engineering knowledge and skills after you have gained your engineering qualification.
The CPD must be provided in list format (title, date, duration, and venue) and should include details of:
➝ formal engineering study;
➝ conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended;
➝ short courses, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, technical inspections and technical meetings you have attended;
➝ preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia;
➝ Services to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteering, mentoring, etc.);