Story #1 - Operation: Blind Eye (COMPLETE)
Mobile Task Force ETA-10, See No Evil, has been deployed to Alaska to recapture one of Site-19's most infamous and dangerous SCP's. SCP-096, the Shy Guy.
Story #2 - Kill Four Birds with Two Stones (COMPLETE)
Members of the Administration Team as well as key O5 Members must decide if detonating the alpha warheads at Site 35 is necessary, given the current Class-D Exodus, Insurgency by CI and breach of numerous SCP's. The Admin team have also lost contact with their NTF Unit on-site.
Story #3- Detonation
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, Nine Tailed Fox, is deployed into Site 22 to detonate the Alpha Warheads on site, but first they must rescue the Site Manager trapped inside.
The SCP Foundation and SCPF Logo fall under the Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 License, so this work, and all characters, information and stories found within it also falls under the same license.
Story #1 'Operation: Blind Eye' is heavily based off of the [SCP] Task Force (Roblox) Video Game Mission of the same name, so the main storyline, certain dialogue and information is credited to the creators, Roman Entertainment and 'Woodstock' (@ArchiTec_h) as well as the SCP Foundation. Although the majority of the story was not my idea, the characters and the events of the finale are entirely my own, however, as this book falls under the same copyright as the rest of the SCP Foundation, this story can be taken and altered by anyone else so long as they credit myself, the original story creators, and the SCP Foundation.
Chuck Colt, a cowardly and highly neurotic ghost, must find a way to reunite his soul to his newly zombified body before dawn, lest his (un)death becomes permanent.
When Chuck Colt, a neurotic Movie Critic, inexplicably sees his own corpse hanging from a ceiling fan, he comes to the sudden realization that he is somehow a ghost. To make matters worse, his body seems to be moving on its own, and it doesn't like to follow Chuck's instructions.
Now, both Ghost and Zombie Chuck must work together in order to find a cure for their undead curse before sundown, lest they get stuck like that for eternity - if one of the city's weird assortment of characters doesn't get to them first.
The pair must comb through the magical city of New Orleans, facing multiple obstacles along the way - including but not limited to: werepugs, suicidal vampires, and trigger-happy priests - but the biggest obstacle they face is time.
Can Chuck Colt beat the clock to be whole again, or will the Big Easy prove to be too hard to handle?
For what is Tragedy, but Comedy - Time?
TW: Mentions of self-harm, suicide.
Cover by @IAmRodneyVSmith