The Yakshas. Six legendary immortal beings, summoned by Morax himself, to protect Liyue against the evil means left by the Archon War.
As the centuries passed by, each of them passed, or succumbed to the darkness themselves, except for two. Alatus and Akarius.
These two had developed a bond between each other, however, neither of them knew what feeling it was. Many would've called it love, but human feelings were off of their bounds.
Due to a tragic occurrence, Akarius was ripped away from her companions, only to be set free with the passing of several centuries, afterwards taking upon the name of (Y/N) by a certain friend of hers. Will she be able to find her last remaining friend, who now ran by the name of Xiao?
Stay tuned, Dear Traveler, and find out.
#35 Xiao ; 29.12.2021