the night was dark for the moon was young and the stars were asleep and rare
and the clouds we're. thick yet youth went out to se his maiden fair.
dear one he pleaded as he knelt before her feet in tears.
my love is true why have you kept me waiting for all this years.
the maiden look at him unmoved and whispered low,
persistent youth you need to "you need to prove that your love is true"
"but there's nothing I would not do for you beloved"said he
"then go"said she "to your mother dear and bring her heart to me"
without a word youth left, he went to his mother dear
and open her breast and took the the heart and he did not shed a tear,
he go back to his maiden fair unmindful of the rain he ranbut hi feent slipped away
his feet is load with groan and pain, but still in his hand held the prise
that can get his miaden's hand, and then he heard a voice not from his lips
but all a part "get up" it said "we're you hurt child
it was his mothers heart...