A mute sniper escapes her past and appears in Diamond Dog's base. She is taken in as a prisoner by Snake. They plan to kill her in the future. For now, she aids Snake in his missions
The Mute Snipers' Pupil, Lucina, leaves her base; Sword Art Force to find her and stay with her for as long as she walks the earth. However, there is so much Lucina will find out when she encounters Skull Face.
Lucina goes through the world to find her. But, what's she's dragging herself into, Won't be great to remember. Two villains come to Diamond Dogs to come and overtake the base. One of them is familiar with Lucina and only wants to fight her, no one else. Lucina however, isn't familiar with him at all.
Cover art by- http://mikhanator.deviantart.com