If you're a business analyst who uses Power BI, here are the top tools you should have in your toolbox.
You'll need more than just a basic understanding of how to build good reports in Power BI or other apps as a business analyst.
You'll learn how to create visually stunning and useful reports in the most efficient and effective way.
1. Charts with a lot of additional features
Power BI has a large number of visualization. It features everything from pie charts to treemaps, map visualization, clustered column charts, and more. Advanced business charts, such as those that compare actual to plan, actual to projection, or actual to previous year reports, are not available in any business study.
2. Variance Analysis
The majority of advance charts allow for variance analysis. A clear and accessible variance analysis should be included in every business dashboard or report you create.
3. The top N, plus others
Filtering that is more complex may be required. You can, for example, filter the top five elements by value in Power BI, but you can't do Top N + Others. This feature lets you define the number of top elements to show, as well as the "Others" element, which combines all remaining elements into one. This is a handy little tool that you should incorporate into your dashboards, however it's tough to do so in Power BI. You'll need to add some more advanced DAX into your Power BI model to execute this.
4. Use the top N charts as a launching pad
We'll talk about waterfall charts, especially bridge charts with Top N, where you don't just pour all of your data in at once. You can genuinely ensure that you're only making the most important modifications, those that had a positive or negative impact on your total result. A good bridge chart with Top N elements, either positive or negative, in Power BI dashboards and reports is a fantastic business analysis tool.
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