I DON'T OWN FAIRY TAIL! Ch.1: Nobody understands him but her. Ch.2: Somebody forgot her birthday. Ch.3: Killing someone can turn to loving them, but don't pass that unto your kids. Ch.4: When someone you love dies. Ch.5: Find your prince in Fairy Tail. Ch.6: Strawberry or chocolate? Ch.7: They saved each other. Author's Note: Seriously, just an author's note. Ch.8: The cake-loving waitress and the mysterious prince. Ch.9: Don't fall for your best friend's boyfriend. Ch.10: They were so far apart, until something tragic brought them together. Ch.11: Just like brothers. Ch.12: Even thieves can have their hearts stolen. Ch.13: Alternate ending to Ch.12. Ch.14: She wasn't his real girlfriend. Ch.15: She made a mistake she can't ever take back. Ch.16: They will be together forever. Ch.17: Put the words you can't say into a song. Ch.18: She's different from the rest. Ch.19: Part 2 to Ch.14. Ch.20: She just wants to be left alone, he just wants to get closer. Ch.21: Being left behind hurts. Ch.22: Their memories of then, and the memories of now... which are more important? Ch.23: A boy in denial. Ch.24: She can't stop contradicting her love. Ch.25: He was willing to give up everything. Ch.26: A different kind of "Cinderella" Ch.27: One who waits for the one she loves to come back home.All Rights Reserved