"Kyle, if we run away, and live the way we wanted, I think we should go North." Anya, dreamingly said. Laying in the grass, gazing at the starry night sky, hoping. Dreaming.
"Why North?" The North isn't that bad of an idea but, just like any other direction, it runs through the Pitch. That thick, black, phantom wall that surrounds the vast country of Tianna.
"I've read a book in the library. It said that anyone who's lost should always go North. It's the safest starting point. Their training you to be a tracker, aren't they? Shouldn't you know better?" she rolled to the right and faced me.
Anya. My very dear friend. We've technically grown up together here at the orphanage. When the Pitch was created by an evil Prince a long time ago, our nation was greatly devastated. Thousands have died. We are one of the few who survived.
"Anya, I do know better. When I become a tracker and get lost, I'll find East. One must go East to head Aretha. That's the safest nation so far. No killings, at least not very much." Anya, stared at me like she's in deep thoughts. She's never good at directions. We've been friends for 10 years now, and I know just what's bothering her. I reached out to her hand. Held it, letting her know I'm not letting go.
"Or incase I really get lost and you're not with me, I'll heed to the True North." She raised her gaze at me with a questioning look.
"True North is where your heart leads you. It's when you don't have a compass with you and all you have is hope and a brave heart. Then you must follow where your heart takes you. And in this case, as a tracker. And as simple as just being me, I'll go where you are, Anya. You'll be my True North."
She let out a sigh of relief and a smile.
"Thought you'd never say. Promise me, Kyle. I'm not a tracker and Saints, I'm always lost. Kyle, please find me."
Presenting the story of
Whose innocence made the king bow down to her
Whose presence is enough to make the person shiver
As said "opposite attracts"
But the question is how they both attracted?
Let's find out this in their story!!