Last part (Please let this be the last part!) of the Kim-family-series.
Where everyone's happy and jolly and does what the author i.e. me, tells them to do.
Like good little boyscouts.
But honestly, This. Is. "The Wedding Part."
It's happening!
Part 1 "Did you see my bag?"
Part 2 "Bring the pain on"
Part 3 "An echo in the forrest."
All can be found on my page.
" "You're seriously gonna make me wear this?" Hobi held up a Cinderella outfit, staring down his best friend, "You know we're already married, right??"
"You are," Yoongi nodded, "but we didn't have time for your bachelor party, so."
"A CARROT?!!" Jungkook shrieked, "Nuh-uh." he shook his head at the costume.
"Apparently I'm a cat." Taehyung sighed, stepping out from the dressing booth in a furry, tiger-striped, onesie. With a tail.
"There's whiskers." Yoongi held them out.
"Great." Tae moaned, and put them on.
This story was inspired by the quote "People should fall in love with their eyes closed."
Jimin: Oh wow, he really is as hot as the rumors say, gorgeous even. What do you think, Kook?
Jungkook: I guess he's alright. ( - he shrugged) I'm not really the type to go for appearances, I'm more into personalities. Plus I think people should fall in love with their eyes closed. That's how I fell in love with my Taebear. ( - he cupped his face as he smiled brightly.)
*Jimin rolled his eyes and let out a tired sigh.
Jimin: Ever the lovesick fool.
Jungkook: Call it what you will. ( - he shrugged, the smile not leaving his lips.)
Jimin: Speak of the devil. That hot guy is heading in our direction.
Hoseok: Maybe he noticed us staring at him and thought we were talking behind his back.
Jungkook: Huh, wait what...?
*Jungkook noticed the man coming closer to him. The man grabbed Jungkook's hands, startling him.
?: I love you. Please go out with me.
Jungkook: Huh!?