Specialityvalve-Suction Diffuser Manufacturer in India. Specialityvalve is India's leading manufacturer of valves. Specialityvalve produce Suction Diffuser manufacturer in India. The Suction Diffuser Plus, manufactured by Specialityvalve, is a straightening fitting with an angle pattern that allows the pumping system to perform optimally in India. It conditions the flow into the pump suction in order to keep the pump running as efficiently as possible. SUCTION DIFFUSER MANUFACTURER IN INDIA Available materials Cast iron, Ductile iron, WCB. Size 2" to 48" Class 150 to 300 Nominal Pressure PN6 to PN25 Operation Handwheel End Connection Flanged MATERIALS Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Other Materials Upon Request END CONNECTIONS Flat Faced FEATURES Filtration Down to 40 Microns Large Diffuser Screens Long and Short Neck Versions Available Fabricated Construction SIZES RANGES Long and Short Neck Versions Available Fabricated Construction Fabricated - Custom sized to meet requirements RATINGS ASME Class 150 ASME Class 300 PN6 -PN25 Visit here for more details:https://www.specialityvalve.com/product/suction-diffuser/All Rights Reserved