23 parts Complete On an alternate Earth, in the time of late 2018- Gehenna's barrier between the Underworld and their world has been destroyed completely. The 8 countries have shut down on one another and are now isolated, blaming each other for the incident. Every 4 years, Demons come to devour flesh, blood, souls and life itself. Many have nicknamed this day, "The Red Moon." The 8 leaders have agreed on a new law that states, "Every eligible candidate from the ages 10-25 shall report to the country of Eualia for a special training against the Demons ." The law spreads around quickly, but when finally arriving in the country of Zenonius, Lisanna Selverine decides to ignore the law to stay home to take care of her old and sick father. That leads to an attack from and Elf and Golems, the Elf General Sentire then uses threatening against Lisanna, and she is confiscated to go to Camp Demon Hunt.