52 parts Complete "Fixing Aitana" is a delightful rom-com that revolves around Aitana, a renowned actress who recently went through a breakup. While navigating the ups and downs of her personal life, when Aeson, a charismatic guy, stumbles upon a unique love app that offers paid companionship, their paths intertwine.
They find themselves drawn to each other in the most unexpected ways. From chance encounters to humorous misunderstandings, their connection grows stronger with every interaction. Along the journey, they discover the true essence of love, friendship, and second chances.
Join Aitana and Aeson as they navigate the unpredictable world of showbiz and explore the depths of their hearts. "Fixing Aitana" is a heartwarming rom-com that will make you laugh, swoon, and believe in the power of love when you least expect it.