18 year old Sarah Hill has been lost in her mind for the last 3 years. After experiencing a bad break-up at 15, she never wanted to talk to anyone.
She kept herself isolated. Quiet. She lost all of her friends. Her parents lost hope in her. It was as if she was gone. And to make things worse, her ex-boyfriend was now a big-time star in the band he was in during high school. Calum Hood.
Everything remained this way until one day, in the chill of winter, Calum was visiting home. Sarah, hearing he was back, tried her best to keep herself hidden, but she still managed to bump into the person she never wanted to see again.
Calum desperately wants Sarah back, but is Sarah ready to have Calum back? Can she act as if nothing has happened?
Find out, one cut after another.
(Basically instead of chapters it will be Cut 1, Cut 2 and so on because Sarah cuts herself.)
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