There are some people who are not a fan of Elvis. Sarah Paul is one of those people. She thinks that he has created such an unneeded commotion throughout the whole country, and whenever he shows up somewhere, people, mainly the girls, treat him like some god. She never wants to come across him, for fear that she would smack his annoyingly handsome face. That's another thing - people worship him not just because of his singing and dancing skills, but because of his looks. She's not very thrilled when she finds out that he's going to stay at the hotel she works at, and she's assigned to the floor that he is staying on just because her manager knows that she doesn't like him, unlike the other maids. What will happen after she gets herself in pickles and he uses his star card to get her out of them? And more importantly, what will happen when she finds out that he fell for her? Well, she certainly WILL NOT fall for him back.