Living in a sleepy, monotonous town such as Hope Bay, Ouma Kokichi expects his summer to proceed as boring as always. But when his position as the top lifeguard is threatened, Ouma finds himself in a situation he could have never prepared for, and even worse: a handful of complicated feelings to go along with it.
"I just want to understand you more."
Ouma's gaze snaps back up to Saihara, and he thinks over his next words carefully. "Saihara-chan likes puzzles, doesn't he?" he asks slowly, a smile growing across his face.
"I..." Saihara murmurs, studying Ouma closely. "I suppose I've always had a knack for them."
Ouma's smile widens. "I have a grand idea, Saihara-chan!" Sitting up abruptly, Ouma leans in close to the other, so close he can feel his warm breath against his skin. "What about--" Ouma says, pausing for dramatic effect. Saihara stares into his eyes, waiting for Ouma to go on, "--a bet."
Shuichi is done with Kokichi's lies and decides to try to make a deal with him.
"Oh? And what kind of deal are we making Saihara-chan?" I asked keeping my curiosity hidden behind my teasing tone of voice.
"You stop lying to me and I'll answer any question you want honestly." He said pink covering his cheeks.
"And how do I know if you are telling the truth?" I asked. Almost immediately after my statement, he pulled out a bracelet and held it up.
"This is a lie detector." He paused and looked at me with confidence.
"This is how we will make sure we keep our side of the bargain." He held out his hand to set the deal in stone.
"Alright, I will make this deal with you Saihara-chan," I said shaking his hand.
What's the worst that can happen?