In the heart of the Caribbean, amidst treachery and turmoil, Icy, a fierce and mysterious pirate, sets sail to exact vengeance on the kingdom that betrayed her. Once a woman torn between love and duty, Icy's world shatters when Seonghwa, the man she once loved and trusted, succumbs to the darkness of his power-hungry quest. As Prince Hwa, he wields his reign with cruelty, threatening the freedom of the seas and the lives of the innocent.
With a motley crew of rebels, outlaws, and former allies, including Kimi RΓ€ikkΓΆnen, a former racing champion turned underground entrepreneur, and the legendary fighter Nathan "Unspeakable" Graham, Icy embarks on a perilous journey to bring down the tyrant prince. But as old alliances form and betrayals surface, Icy finds herself torn between her thirst for justice and the remnants of a love long lost.
In a world where bloodlines, power, and vengeance collide, Icy must face the ultimate question: can she conquer the legacy of her past, or will it consume her?
Pirate's Wrath is an epic tale of adventure, revenge, and the enduring strength of the human spirit, where heroes are made not by birthright, but by their courage to fight for what is right.
*Note: This book is written for my best friend Lynn. Hope you enjoyπ