In late summer a pipelayer of the Russian Gazprom engaged in the NS2 construction finished its work in the exclusive economic zone of Denmark and headed to Germany's sea waters.
Germany is awaiting for upcoming parlimentary elections appointed for September, 26. During the election campaign, Alliance 90/The Greens (rating - 20%), opposing the completion of the construction of the scandalous gas pipeline (95% of the pipe has already been laid), and against its use (in case of completion), is gaining more and more voters' support .
Alliance 90/The Greens insist on the necessity to stick to the chosen by Angela Merkel policy towards decarbonization of the German economy and diversification of the supply of "blue fuel" to Germany. Now 50% of natural gas comes to the country from the Russian Federation (24% - from Norway, 20% - from the Netherlands and 6% is developed on the territory of Germany). If NS2 is launched, Germany's dependence on Russia will increase even more.
If a parliamentary coalition is formed as a result of the elections within the CDU/CSU - Alliance 90/The Greens - Free Democratic Party, the NS2 commissioning may be delayed indefinitely.
At this time, there are internecine debates in both houses of the US Congress - in the Senate and in the House of Representatives - regarding the feasibility of renewing sanctions against owners and contractors building NS2 (which Joe Biden has recently canceled).
A young woman finds herself in an unexpected predicament when she becomes pregnant by her former boyfriend. She prepares to share the news with her ex, but destiny takes a tragic turn as she comes face-to-face with the very criminal she should have informed him about. To her surprise, she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is now the one defending the criminal in court.