Status: Ongoing In an age where humans and spirits, both good and bad, live in the same world there was an evil demon known as Okakura Shirogai. He had great power that he would use to try and conquer both spirits and humans and force them under his rule. The powerless humans could not fight for themselves so they prayed to the many gods they worshipped to protect them. Their prayers were answered by angels, animal spirits and other beings of divine benevolence. The greatest amongst them were the Five Guardian Yakshas, gifted with the ability to control the elements of water, earth, fire, wind, and lightning. They were the ones who fought Okakura himself. However even with their amazing powers the Yakshas still couldn't bring Okakura down. In the end the last yaksha standing was the Lightning Yaksha. Weakened by his injuries he stood no chance until a strange spirit enveloped in both light and darkness offered him a unique mask filled with the power of pure lightning. He accepted the mask in exchange for his benevolence After donning the mask his power amplified and with a single dashing strike faster than a blink of an eye, he cleaved Okakura in half. With his remaining life force Okakura cursed all the Yakshas to an end filled with suffering. The yakshas died one by one until the Lightning Yaksha was the only one alive. He hunted down the remnants of Okakura's force continuing to don the mask for power to exterminate the remaining demons. However the more he slayed the more eternal strife he accumulated. When he had slayed the remaining demons on the earth he lived a isolated life, deep in a dark forest. His name as the Lightning Yaksha faded over the many thousand years his identity faded as people forgot him and he became known instead as the Blue Shadow, a unknown spirit who walked the woods without purpose.
3 parts