kim namjoon is a part time employee at the south korea seoul mental hospital, creedmoor psychiatric center. he has an amazing life, a wonderful family, and an empty space in his heart for love.
then there's nia baker. they're a depressed teen who's committed unspeakable crimes, broke out of juvenile detention on many occasions, overdosed multiple times, and just doesn't have the will to be alive anymore.
on one saturday morning, at around 3 am, police officers find nia on the side of an overpass, ready to jump, and end they're life once and for all. they take them into the mental hospital at a last attempt to try and save they're life. and there they meet, as one would call, the perfect boy.
tw before reading:
this book contains offensive language, smut or suggestive scenes, descriptions of self harm, drug and substance abuse, mild description of suicide, and mental illness.
this book is NOT meant to give anyone ptsd, suicidal thoughts, or harm anyone in any sort of way. you are never alone, you will always have someone by your side, no matter who it is. trust me when i say this, it gets better <3.
this is not based on a true story, nor does it take place in any sort of time period in the real world. this is a realistic fiction story.
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