12-year-old Malvina is struggling to adapt to her world of France, 1941, as the threat of war warps a new, strange reality before her eyes. With her book-smart, 16-year-old sister Malia, and her bright 7-year-old sister Ella, Malvina hopes to see the war through. Though, after her father insults a high-regime Nazi politician, Malvina and her sisters will soon have much darker realities to contend with, as they must survive the true horror of Germany's Final Solution...
(Y/N)'s life changed after her parents died in a terrible tragedy. 12 years have passed since then. She only has her sister left by her side. They later grew up to love anime, and their favorite, Hetalia. What happens when they fall into the world of Hetalia? Literally. A dark passed and now, hopefully, a bright future?