Chantel Ross Howard på 19 år, bor i New York, sammen med sin
helt normale og hyggelige familie. Men familiens motto ændrer sig hurtigt fra den dag, de
får at vide, at en ikke helt ukendt dreng, vil flytte ind som midlertidig nabo.
- Selveste Justin Drew Bieber på 20 år sammen med stort set hele sit crew.
Familien tager det dog stille og roligt, men det er først til de næste morgen vågner op til en støj af fans og paparazzier, omringende af
deres grund. Det går derfor op for dem, at deres liv - og specielt Chantels - vil tage en stor og uventet
drejning, som også medfører til sorg, jalousi, vrede og især kærlighed!
Follow Steve and Adelaide Rogers as they continue their journey in life. When Steve and Adelaide first woke up in a more modern and advanced time, they thought that the war was over. As they soon realized it was not over. In fact, the Civil Wars are just beginning. Read as Adelaide faces the struggles as the storm approaches just over the horizon; but also see the blessings she and Steve gain as they raise their young handicapped son Archer.
If you have not read Books 1 & 2, I suggest you do so. If you don't you may end up very confused.
All rights belong to those brilliant people who originally created Marvel comics and it's characters. I do not own any of the characters or story lines, unless it is altered by myself.
Isabel Marie Barton AKA Banshee belongs to LadyWinterSoldier
I do however own Adelaide Bethany Barnes/Rogers and all other characters in the story.