Women..... What image comes the first in your mind when u hear or read this term.
I am sure most of you imagine a curvy , beautiful skinned, polite body with patience.
And i don't think this is the right image.
God created a women as a being. To be specific a body which has emotions, not in a specific way. Not on the basis of race, religion, language but to be called as a human being. Not to be objectified or labelled.
Our society is not clean and it is not safe for women. Beleive it or not.
I'd like to speak up about this topics as they are just ignored by many people.
Please participate in this journey to take a step forward regarding topics labelled as just ignore it.
If you want to discuss anything regarding your mental state, i am here all the time and just dm me and i will always make u feel at ease and u can stay anonymous if u want but please just don't die inside all alone.