This story begins once upon a time, across a lavish kingdom, up the staircase of a meticulous castle, inside the life of the most beautiful maiden. With golden, glittering locks and curves as smooth and subtle as the kingdom's very hillsides, she seems to charm all and lack none. The allure was endless, her eyes majestic--
Wait a second... What is this? This isn't right at all. If you could just give me a moment, here, please...
Ah, here's the problem. I've grabbed the wrong book out of the latrine, you see. This was meant to be the spare toilet paper.
Allow me to begin again. This time, with the right story...
As the girl lifts her chin to the mirror and her wand to her face, she glances up and her heart wrenches a little. Despite wands and potions, creams and lotions, nothing seemed to change. She knew what to expect before she glanced into the mirror, so why is she still so surprised? This face staring back at her belongs to no princess. It's as structured and beautiful as a scrap of paper.
A Plain Jane.
She sighs into the empty bathroom, settling into a malcontent reserve.
"Screw the haters!" She says to herself, quoting her favorite princess-less queen. "They're just... jealous."
For a moment the girl just stares into her own mirrored eyes, looking for signs of deception. Then she laughs to herself at the thought.
Jane begins to wave her magic wand across her eyes for the umpteenth time, with no more hope that it'll work than the day before. Because maybe happy endings are for princesses. Maybe magic just doesn't work on toads.
"You're a good friend, Hermione."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "So we're on a first-name basis now?"
He shrugged. "I feel it's only fair after spending every moment of our free time in a lab together. Also," he scratched at his chin in thought, "I'm pretty sure you're dating my best mate."
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS OR WORLD, those belong to J.K. Rowling. I am writing this for fun, and for no monetary gain.