Felinette prince charmless
12 Bagian Lengkap "You're wasting your time, you know that, right?" the blond confronts her, capturing her in his arms. "Adrien doesn't deserve you Marinette, he will never appreciate you!"
The brunette pushes him back uninterested.
"And you do?" she arches an eyebrow folding her hands to her chest.
"You know that I am right, " the blonde puts a strand of her hair aside," In the end he didn't even care about you when he hooked up with Kagami, right?"
Marinette becomes furious.
"Kagami loves him!" she defended squeezing her fists together.
Felix raises an eyebrow.
" And you do not?"
Ladybug looked down.
"If I'm not mistaken, Adrien treats Kagami with the same indifference as he treats you." He's too naive and doesn't care about either hers or your feelings, I on the other hand."
"What are you trying to insinuate ?!"
"Come with me to England, Marinette." Felix grabbed her hand." Come with me and you will shine. You know I can treat you so much better than Adrien ever did."
The story between Marinette and Felix that no one knew about. Felix is not Adrien, except for their physical appearance, they do not share any traits. He is calculated, serious, determined, and ambitious and Adrien is just a naive and emotional child.
After many encounters, clashes between him and Adrien's friends, Felix is disgusted by the cluelessness of his cousin, who cannot see the truth. Namely, all the sacrifices that the intelligent, azure-eyed brunette makes for him. Marinette is beautiful, intelligent, hard, working, and knows what she wants from life. Adrien doesn't deserve her, Felix on the other hand, can appreciate her much better.