49 Phần Hoàn tất Trưởng thànhWe find our characters in early 1500's England
Chloe is the nineteen year old princess of England, sister of King Harry, the VERY talked about king of the time
While her brother deals with his own issues and marital affairs he has had her betrothed to the King of Portugal, whom he is seeking an alliance with
Being a man of the time, a king no less, he doesn't really care what she thinks about it which is rather unfortunate considering Chloe REALLY hates the suggestion that she should marry the elderly king
Being used like a pawn in a game, Chloe herself has the desire to take back control of her life, being one of the most important and highly regarded women in the world she's been raised with a certain amount of entitlement and is more inclined to speak her own mind which, when your brother is who he is, can be a very dangerous game
Ryan is one of her brothers best friends, having come into life as a commoner but having risen through the ranks thanks to his royal highness having taken a liking to him
When entrusted with the Kings sister and the role of giving her away to her new husband in the King's stead Ryan nervously accepts, formerly a playboy, trying to keep control of himself with the knowledge her brother would probably have his head if she wasn't taken care of properly
When Chloe looks to take matters into her own hands and take back control of her life, can she? Will they let her? What will happen if she tries?
Full of Drama, love, multiple power struggles, death, banishment, betrayal and so much more, there's drama round every corner, she should be in the perfect position to have what she wants if her brother won't stand in her way
But nothing is ever as easy as that
This is only the beginning, you'll have to wait to see the rest, you think you know this story? Well you ain't seen nothing yet
Hope you enjoy Xo