For anyone who might be concerned, you do not need to read this if you do not want to. I am just a Freshman in College that has thoughts upon thoughts. This is just a place for me to share my experiences with you. Just in case you might be going through something similar or just need an outlet. Maybe you want others to hear your story but feel nervous to say your name, I can be that outlet for you as well. You can message me if you feel comfortable and I can share your story if you want to be heard. Or maybe you just want someone who doesn't know you to just listen, then I am all ears. So here is Thoughts Upon Thoughts.
What to know:
-I will NOT leak any information that you ask me not too
-Ex: Name, age, other personal information, etc...
-If not told I will assume you do not want information shared
-If you want your story shared please tell me if not I will assume you just want someone to listen.
-If you have any questions do not be afraid to ask, I am here as an outlet, so I do not judge.
(if any of these topics bother you, either do not read or skip said chapters, each chapter will have the specific warners at the beginning of them)
Might contain triggering topics like;
-Mature language
Welcome to your source for all the inside information about my characters, books, and everything that it takes to make their stories come to life!
Ever have questions about how characters were created or why they make certain choices? Wonder about the writing process and what goes into a story? You'll find all of that plus more in this blog-style journal!